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Us9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered Scammer’s Message

Featured BY Shahanawaz
Us9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered Scam Message

Recently scammed have a new way of misleading people and stealing their personal information. They are trying to mimic themselves as popular delivery service USPS and sending texts to people that read something like – “US9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered

What does this message mean? Is it dangerous? If you have these questions, then go through this article. Yes, it is a scam text, and you should not click on the link attached to such texts with links.

What Does “Us9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered” Mean?

Scammers have plenty of ways to mislead civilians. One of the most common ways is to pretend to be someone they are not. Have you ever gotten a text that reads something like this–

US9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered.

If yes, then you were probably under the attack of scammers. First, they mimic themselves as USPS delivering something to you and sending these texts to you. The text usually has a link that you have to click on. Clicking on that link redirects you to a fake USPS website where they want you to put your name, address, and credit card details.

The truth is – they are trying to steal your personal information and make unauthorized purchases under your name. Scammers can also use your personal information for identity theft.

So, how do you keep yourself safe? For starters, you do not click on the link attached to the “US9514961195221” message. Do not give away your personal information without a second thought. Also, avoid any types of direct messages, emails, or WhatsApp texts with suspicious links.

What Do Us9514961195221 Messages Look Like?

What Do Us9514961195221 Messages Look Like_

So you open your phone in the morning and see a message from USPS saying there is a delivery issue due to some address issues. If that is the case, you should not click on the link attached to the text. But what does the text look like? Here are some examples of texts you might be receiving from a scammer –

Example 1

“Tracking Number: US9514961195221. Status: We have issues with your shipping address. USPS Allows you to Redeliver your package to your address in case of …

USPS: The carrier cannot deliver to your door because the package you submitted does not have a house number. Please check, close: pasdelirs.info/FAQs.”

Example 2

“Good morning! your package at the delivery centre and cannot be delivered due to incorrect street location. update asap https://www.us-qtyus.us”

Example 3

“USP – You have a package that needs to be delivered but has been suspended due to an incorrect delivery address. https://uspreneser.com/l8hf”

Example 4

“Package reminder: We failed to deliver your package due to the wrong house number. Please fill in the required information: https://us-psfps.com”

Example 5

“USP – You have a package that needs to be delivered but has been suspended due to an incorrect delivery address.https://uspreneser.com/l8hf”

Why Should You Avoid Us9514961195221 Messages?

Why Should You Avoid Us9514961195221 Messages_

USPS is a legit delivery company, and they do not send texts to their product receivers asking for personal information. Not just USPS, no other delivery company would ever ask for your personal information for sending a package to their receiver. So, there is 100 percent certainty; if anything of this sort is happening to you, then it is a scam.

Also, it is a good habit not to relay your personal information to any stranger or unknown sources. Especially when someone asks for your personal information through email, texts, or over the phone, you should not give them away. If the person asking for it is claiming from any reputed company like USPS or any bank, you should confirm with the company or the bank firsthand.

So, when you receive US9514961195221 text from any number, we suggest not clicking on it. It is even better to delete the text in the first place. Also, do not download any of the attachments that the message might come with.

What Are The Signs Of A Scam Text?

What Are The Signs Of A Scam Text

The US9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered message is real. Many scammers are pulling stunts like this to trick people into revealing their personal information to them. They usually send different attachments and links that trick people.

However, their techniques to appear legit are pretty convincing. The scam texts often include – renewal dates, fake invoice numbers, official logos, and promotional banners. Here are some signs that you are receiving fake messages from scammers –

  • The message starts with a generic greeting instead of using the customer’s/account holder’s name.
  • The email address of the sender is not associated with a legit domain name.
  • Their link usually invites you to resolve an issue and give your personal information. Most of the legit companies do not ask for customers’ information by asking them to click on a link. So, if you are seeing anything like this, then it is a scam for sure.
  • They also set a time limit and create a sense of urgency, prompting you to give away your personal information.
  • Also, the sentences may have poor grammar, spelling errors, and immature sentence structure. This further confirms that the text is not from a reputable company.

What To Do If I Get Us9514961195221 Message?

What To Do If I Get Us9514961195221 Message

So, now that you know that this message is a scam, you might wonder what to do with it. First, calm down. There is no need to panic. It will be fine if you do not click on any of the

Links are attached to the text. We suggest you delete the message from your inbox as soon as possible.

However, if you have clicked on the links attached, it might transfer any malware to your device. If such things happen, use an antivirus to clear your phone from malware. Also you can also confirm if it really was USPS by directly mailing them about it. Attach the screenshot of the message while you are at it.

If possible, you can also report the scam call or text by reaching out to ReportFraud.ftc.gov.

Bottom Line

US9514961195221 messages are one of many ways scammers are getting their hands on the sensitive information of civilians. But you should never let that happen at any cost. It is very important to raise awareness about such fraudulent activities. If you have been getting any such suspicious messages, then please delete them and follow the precautions mentioned in this article.

I hope that this article was helpful. If you need any further information about the same, please let us know through the comment section. We eagerly await your feedback. Thank you for reading.

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Shahnawaz is a passionate and professional Content writer. He loves to read, write, draw and share his knowledge in different niches like Technology, Cryptocurrency, Travel,Social Media, Social Media Marketing, and Healthcare.

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