Footballers’ Market Value Explained

Finance BY Mony

Have you ever wondered why footballers are so expensive? There are so many reasons as to what determines the overall market value of a player – from age and experience to their overall marketability. 

What Is A Footballer’s Market Value?

Footballers’ market values are essentially an estimate of the amount for which a team can sell their player’s contract to another team. The value is calculated based on several factors, which we’ll explain below:

1. Age

Naturally, the younger the player is, the higher their market value will be. If a player is close to retirement, they’ll only have a few years left on the pitch, which isn’t always attractive to the clubs who want to get the most out of their money. 

And, younger players typically tend to be more of an investment. It can be exciting developing a young player, to then sell them on for much more to a bigger club later down the line. 

2. Experience

This is an important factor when it comes to market value. Experience can be hard to define, especially with some footballers having played hundreds of professional league games while still at such a young age. However, if they can show determination, talent, and skills, they’ll likely have a high transfer fee. 

3. League

The skills shown in the more difficult leagues, such as the Premier League, Bundesliga, or Primera Division, will appear more valuable and therefore increase a player’s market value. If they have proven that they can handle these tough, high-level leagues, the purchase for the player will be seen as less of a risk. 

4. Marketability

It’s no secret that football is a profitable business. With the rising popularity of many football players across social media, clubs now consider whether the player is a big name and whether they are a brand in their own right.

They’ll also factor in the opportunity for the newly signed player to bring in new fans and increase shirt sales. While the price of the player might have been costly, it’s equally worth it if the player shines a positive light on the club and increases overall brand exposure. 

Footballer’s Market Value

Expensive Football Transfers In The Past

Costly transfer fees typically make the headlines and cause shock among football fans who simply can’t fathom the price of today’s footballers. 

Manchester United’s Harry Maguire tops the list as the most expensive defender in history, costing the club £78.3m from Leicester City in 2019. Following closely behind is Manchester City’s more recent purchase, paying £77m for the Croatian defender from RB Leipzig. 

Virgil van Dijk is one of Liverpool’s most notable players, costing the club £76.2m for his move from Southampton. He’s certainly lived up to his price tag, proving himself to be a key contributor to Liverpool’s success. And, he’s now known as one of the best defenders in the world. 

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With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing profound thoughts and opinions on lifestyle, beauty, fashion, pets, and parenting.

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