How You Can Use Digital Marketing to Promote Your Online Business?

Business Development BY Krishnendu
Use Digital Marketing to Promote Your Online Business

Whether running a brick-and-mortar retail premises in the middle of a shopping plaza in Manchester city center or an online store out of your bedroom in Shropshire, your business requires customers to survive and expand. In days past, this was as simple as printing off a couple of hundred brochures, pamphlets, or postcards or putting an advertisement in a local newspaper/magazine.

But in today’s business world, more and more consumers rely on the Internet to learn more about products/services and the businesses that provide them. Due to this, your business must have a solid online presence to attract/retain customers, promote growth, and ultimately boost sales. To achieve this kind of success, it is essential to have various tools in your digital marketing strategy.

From creating a business blog and implementing search engine optimization (SEO) to social media marketing and updating your Google My Business listing, there are hundreds of ways you can use digital marketing to promote your online business. So, if you’re unsure where to begin – you’re in the right place! We outline some of the best digital marketing promotion tools in our article below.

1. Outsource A Digital Marketing Agency

We understand that we’re not all digital marketing agency experts, and some might find managing a business’s entire online presence by themselves to be a complex affair. If this is the case, you might want to consider enlisting the service of a digital marketing manager or agency to manage your business’s online presence on your behalf.

In a nutshell, those who specialize in web design in Reigate and surrounding areas can work alongside your team to create online advertising campaigns and implement new techniques in your existing digital marketing strategy to help your business achieve its goals. Despite many companies opting to manage their online presence in-house, multiple benefits can be reaped if they outsource a digital marketing agency.

From getting insight from knowledgeable industry professionals and taking advantage of expensive marketing tools to tailoring your marketing to your target demographic and monitoring the results of your marketing campaigns, many benefits come with outsourcing a digital marketing agency instead of managing it all in-house.

Learn more about the benefits of outsourcing a digital marketing agency by visiting the websites of companies who specialise in web design in Reigate, like e-innovate. Visit their website to see examples of their previous work, read customer testimonials, discover their process, and much more. Or consider contacting one of their web designers directly for specific inquiries and see how their services could help you promote your online business today.

2. Implement Search Engine Optimisation

Whether you’re a business owner or a consumer, you should understand that one of the best ways to promote your online business is online using a search engine results page. Due to this, it’s essential that you add improving your business’s search engine optimisation to your digital marketing strategy as it boosts your business’s visibility which is crucial for promotion.

The more visibility your business gains, the more online traffic your business receives, the bigger your chance to provide your services/products to more people, and the more people click on your website. Ultimately, it can be the difference between gaining a new customer or losing one, and let’s face it, you’d prefer the former instead of the latter!

Due to this, you want to ensure that your business consistently ranks in the first few search options at the top of the page instead of being past the first five to ten results. These are more likely to be ignored than the first few since they will probably contain the answer to the search query entered by the customer.

Fortunately, there are various ways to boost your business’s search engine optimisation, from researching/strategically placing keywords into your content and linking back to relevant, high-quality websites to creating regular, relevant content and staying up to date with the latest SEO trends, and much more.

3. Start A Business Blog

With an average of over 57 million social media users in the UK, there has never been a more convenient time for online businesses to start blogging. Far from being the ‘Goop’ equivalent for businesses, a company blog is where your marketing team can share when you’ve hit certain milestones, post about upcoming events, establish your brand’s voice, produce educational content and much more.

For the best results, it is essential that you create relevant, engaging content surrounding terms and questions that your customers are typing into search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing. The more blog posts you create using these keywords, the more clicks you’ll get on your content, and the higher your posts rank on the results pages of search engines. But you might not know what content to put out for your audience.

Fortunately, you can create tons of blog posts, no matter what industry your business operates in or the products/services you offer. Some of the most popular things to turn into blog posts are as follows:

  • How-To-Guides and instructional posts
  • Blog posts created by guests
  • Q/A with a well-known public figure in your industry
  • Case studies or customer testimonials
  • Lists of resources or strategies (like the top ten or three crucial things)
  • Example/template posts, and many more

4. Offer Freebies To Customers

Let’s face it we all love getting things for free, whether it’s a handful of nuts from our local supermarket or a pen from an event we attended briefly. From a consumer’s perspective, weighing up the pros and cons of a product/service, especially if it’s manufactured by a brand they’ve never purchased from before, can be stressful.

However, trying a sample before putting their hands into their pockets makes their decision more straightforward, so offering customers freebies can be a valuable tool to add to your digital marketing strategy.

Depending on the products/services your business offers, you could consider offering a ten-minute consultation or a smaller quantity of one of your most popular products in hopes that they’ll like it and buy the full-sized product. Whatever you offer as a freebie, ensure that you follow up with those who got one and ask for their opinion so that you can upsell your products/services.

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