The Science Of Odor Elimination: How Commercial Cleaning Can Get Rid Of Tough Workplace Smells

Business Development BY Abdul Aziz
Commercial Cleaning Can Get Rid Of Tough Workplace Smells

If you have ever walked into a place and felt like you have been hit in the gut with a strong and unpleasant odour, you know you will not enjoy your time there. Whether it’s the smell of stale air, mould, or even from a person’s overpowering perfume, unpleasant workplace odour can be more than distracting – it can affect people’s mood and productivity. Fortunately, there is a science to odour elimination, and a good professional commercial cleaning company understands that. Expert cleaners of office cleaning companies have the knowledge and resources to get rid of harsh smells and transform your office into a pleasant working environment.

You Can Smell It In The Air

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of the odour elimination method, it is important that you understand how odour works. Odours are made by molecules that are mixed in the air. We recognize odours the second they bind to the olfactory receptors in our noses. These receptors send signals to our brain, which are then interpreted as different smells. The strength of the scent is determined by the number of molecules present in the air and the sensitivity of the said receptors in your nose.

Getting Rid Of Tough Odour In The Workplace

While there are no hard and fast rules on how exactly you can get rid of foul smells in a specific room, there are several strategies professional cleaners from commercial cleaning companies use to get rid of tough working smells. Often, they use different techniques based on the cause of the odour.

Identify The Source Of The Smell 

The first thing they do is identify the source of the smell. This may seem obvious, but it is crucial to pinpoint exactly where the smell is coming from for the cleaning and odour elimination method to be effective.

And experienced cleaners actually know where to look. Some of the most common sources of workplace odours are:

Mildew and mould

This often occurs in areas with high humidity or moisture, such as bathrooms, break rooms, or storage areas.

Food odours

This is usually found in the breakroom or pantry and is often caused by employees heating up pungent meals in the microwave or leaving food out in the open for too long.

Colognes Or Perfumes

Some people enjoy wearing fragrances. However, they can be overwhelming to others in close quarters.


Whether it’s from cigarettes or other sources, smoke can leave a lingering odour in the workplace.

As soon as they have identified the smell, professional cleaners can now move on to the next step.

Improve Room Ventilation

The easiest and probably the most important way to eliminate odour in a specific room is to improve its ventilation. This can be done by simply opening the windows and turning on the fans or air-conditioning units. The idea is to make the smell less noticeable by improving airflow to help dilute the concentration of the odour that mixes into the air.

If the odour is stubborn, commercial cleaning services often steam clean the spots and use a high-quality purifier for the entire room. Air purifiers work by filtering out particles and odours from the air, leaving the workplace smelling clean and fresh.

Clean Thoroughly

If the source of the foul odour is mildew or mould, then it is extremely important to have the space professionally cleaned. The biggest thing that separates commercial cleaning services from in-house cleaning teams is superior service. Commercial cleaning services employ professional staff who are experienced and skilled in handling various cleaning needs, including mould and mildew cleaning.

Mould and mildew cleaning requires both knowledge and special cleaning equipment to handle the cleaning thoroughly and safely. Expert cleaners use industrial cleaning products to disinfect, scrub, and eliminate the spores that may be present.

Use Odor Eliminators

Sometimes, odours can linger despite thorough cleaning. This is where commercial cleaning services will use odour eliminators. There are lots of commercial odour eliminators available on the market, ranging from sprays to plug-in devices.

When choosing an odour eliminator, expert cleaners consider those that can target the specific type of odour they are dealing with. For example, an odour eliminator designed for pet odours may not be as effective against food odours.

If you are considering getting an odour eliminator for your workplace, then it is essential that you read product labels carefully and choose a product that is designed for the type of odour you’re trying to eliminate.

Here are some safe and effective odour eliminators you can use:

Try Natural Remedies

If you’re looking for a more natural approach to odour elimination, there are several remedies you can try.

Baking Soda

This is a natural deodorizer that can help to eliminate harsh odours. Sprinkle baking soda on carpets, furniture, or other surfaces where odours are present, let it sit for a few hours, and then vacuum it up.


White vinegar, in particular, is another natural deodorizer that can help to eliminate tough odours. Make a vinegar solution by mixing equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray it on surfaces where odours are present. Let it sit for a few minutes, and then wipe it away.


Another effective and safe natural odour remedy is activated charcoal. Charcoal helps eliminate tough smells. Place a few pieces of charcoal in a bowl or container and leave them in the affected area. The charcoal will absorb the odours over time.

Address The Root Cause Of The Odor

Most methods mentioned above are used for quick fixes and short-term odour elimination. Thus, to prevent foul odour from recurring in the workplace, it is important that you address its root cause. If it’s a mould problem, you may need to address the moisture issue in your office to prevent mould buildup. If the problem is caused by food or spills, then you need to implement stricter policies around food storage and cleanup to prevent the problem from happening again.

Also, it is crucial to cultivate a culture in the workplace where employees feel comfortable addressing odour problems with each other. This can be done by providing anonymous feedback channels or having open conversations about workplace hygiene. By creating a culture of respect and communication, you can help to prevent odours from becoming a recurring problem in the workplace.

Moreover, it’s also important to recognize that some people may be more sensitive to odours than others. If you’re experiencing ongoing odour issues in the workplace, it may be worth discussing the problem with a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying health issues.

Get Help From The Pros

It’s also worth noting that some odours may require professional attention. For example, if you’re dealing with a sewage backup or other hazardous situation, it’s important to call in a professional cleaning service to handle the problem safely and effectively.

Professional commercial cleaning services have experienced, well-equipped, and fully trained professional staff to address your cleaning, maintenance, and odour elimination needs. They can transform your office into a clean, fresh, and comfortable working environment.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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