Essential Tips For Creating A Standout Professional Resume

Management BY Shahanawaz
Essential Tips For Creating A Standout Professional Resume

If you’re job hunting, you must present yourself in a way that showcases all your most significant skills and achievements. Your resume lets you do that. It summarizes your professional experience, but it should also let a possible employer know a little about your background and skill set.

When you create a job-winning resume, that isn’t the easiest thing, but you must do it if you want a high-paying job in your field. Let’s review some ways you can make your resume stand out.

How To Make Your Resume Stand Out From Others?

There are plenty of ways through which you can set your resume apart from the rest. However, you will have to ensure that your resume is relevant to the industry. Also, you must include only the information that is relevant for your recruiter based on the job role you applied for. At the same time, hiring managers also like those resumes that stand out. Here are some steps you must take:

1. Understand The Need Of The Hiring Manager

To understand the needs of the hiring manager, you will need to review the needs of the job by reviewing the posting. Consider carefully what you are planning to include in the resume. Here, the best option is to focus on the company’s culture and include keywords based on what they expect of you in the role.

2. Make It Industry-Relevant

Tailoring your resume as per the needs of the industry is one of the most essential things to do. Here, you will need to put more priority into your employment experience, which showcases your qualifications. Include only those experiences and qualifications that are relevant to the position you are applying for.

3. Add A Header And Summary Or Objective

Since recruiters have to go through a large number of resumes on a daily basis, it gets simpler for them if you include a header and summary or objective. This will also enhance your chances of getting noticed by recruiters. When you are adding a header, make sure that your name is at the top, and ensure that that font size is larger. Below the header, you will need to add your summary and objective.

4. Add Skills According To The Position

As already discussed, you will need to make your resume industry-relevant. This includes adding those skills that your job actually requires you to. If you add skills that are not valuable for the position you are applying for. If you are applying for a job as a marketer, adding your coding skills will not help.

5. Make It Visually Appealing

Not only resumes this factor applies to almost everything you can think of. If you make your resume visually appealing, it will surely stand out from the resumes of others. To do so, use a professional font style and font size. Also, use a template that is aesthetically appealing. Apart from that, use a blue or green theme color.

6. Keep It Short

If you add all the information in your resume within a page, it will be hugely beneficial for you. This is because it will be easier for the recruiter to go through your resume. Make sure that you are including only the information that helps you stand out from others. If you have to add additional details, you can do it in person or over the phone. 

7. Add A Cover Letter

If you are adding a resume online, the company can also ask you to add a cover letter. Although many companies do not require it, you can still send a cover letter to stand out as a candidate. Here, too, you will need to ensure that your design and color schemes match your resume.

Other Important Steps To Take To Create Your Resume

Here are a few more steps you need to take if you want to create your resume:

Use A Resume Template Service

You can craft a customized resume on your own, but if you enlist a resume builder service, that can help you. You can look at the different resume templates such a service has available and pick the one that you feel represents you best.

You can find more traditional ones and use one if you’re going after more conventional jobs. You might also go with a more creative template if you’re seeking a less conventional job or one with a more relaxed aesthetic.

Enlist Help If You Need It

If you use one of these resume template services, consider consulting with a resume expert. Many times, these companies have individuals standing by who know all about resumes and how you can improve yours.

You can show one of these resume experts what you have, and they can make some practical suggestions. You can sometimes get a free consultation, or they might charge a nominal fee. It’s worth it if you can get a significantly improved resume out of the deal.

Use Industry-Specific Resumes

You can get industry-specific resume templates. This helps when you’re getting into a field like the law, the medical field, the restaurant industry, etc.

You can plug the correct information into one of these templates since they’re already set up in a way that makes sense for your industry. This saves you time and energy.

Don’t Give Too Much Information

Your resume should never exceed two pages at the most. Many individuals can fit the required information onto one page.

If you’re going over two pages, you’re probably giving the hiring manager or company owner too much information. Most job posters want concise resumes they can quickly scan. If you’re including too many details about your background or job experience, that does more harm than good. You shouldn’t miss anything vital, but remember that less usually works better than more.

Don’t Forget Your Academic Background

You should include anything about your academic background that can help you. If you’re a college graduate with an excellent GPA, mention that. If you received an honor society membership or any notable rewards, include those as well.

Final Thoughts

The best job seekers often balance prior professional experience with academic credentials. If you have both, you’ll likely beat out many competitors.

If you can create a strong resume highlighting your best features and experience, you will likely get a job you love sooner rather than later.

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Shahnawaz is a passionate and professional Content writer. He loves to read, write, draw and share his knowledge in different niches like Technology, Cryptocurrency, Travel,Social Media, Social Media Marketing, and Healthcare.

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