Spotify Receiptify: How To Get Receipt Of Spotify Music?
People have different aesthetics. Some want to get the name of their favorite musician tattooed; some like to print their playlist and hang it on the wall. But have you ever wanted to get your playlist in the form of a supermarket shopping receipt? No, I am not kidding. Thanks to Receiptify, you can do exactly the same.
It looks like a computer-generated bill for the things you shopped. This thing looks super fun and is super easy to do. You can generate a receipt of your Spotify playlists in seconds and get it printed.
Do you feel interested? Well, if you are nodding to that question, I will suggest giving this article a quick read.
What Is Receiptify?
Listening to Music using Spotify is not just listening to Music. You create your own library, playlist, like different artists, podcast hosts, and share lots of songs with your friends. During all this fanatic music-loving, have you noticed how your taste in Music has been changing?
Spotify keeps track of the songs you listen to and your listening habits. But thanks to Receiptify, you can now transform your playlist into a receipt. In fact, there are many other platforms that allow such fun features with your playlist.
For example, there is Spotify Pie that shows your music taste by genre and categorizes them in pretty-looking colorful pie charts. Then there is Instafest, which turns your song history into a festival lineup. Wait, there is another funny one called Obscurity. This allows you to spot the sudden change in your music taste and how obscure they can be at times. It is like you are listening to Metallica and then switching back to Post Malone.
Since Spotify is collecting your data, why not make something funny out of it, right? That is when Recieptify comes into play. They turn your Spotify playlist into Walmart or Target receipt.
A person named Michelle Lui created this fun web-based application. He got the inspiration from an Instagram handle called @Albumreceipts. This handle is used to share popular album lists in retail shop receipt format.
No, this feature of Receiptify is not limited to just Spotify. You can turn your playlist from Apple Music or Last. Fm as well. But, for that, you have to download and install the Receiptify application.
How To Get Spotify Receipts Using Receiptify?
I told you that you’d be interested! Now that you are here, let me get you through the steps to make your own Spotify receipt through Rerciptify.
It is super easy, really.
Just start by opening your browser on your phone/desktop/ laptop. Then follow the steps here —
- Search the Reciptify website on Google Search Engine.
- Once the website opens, you will see an option reading “Log in with Spotify on the top of the screen.
- Click on that option and log in to your Spotify account.
- Once you have logged in, the website will ask you based on what parameters you want to create the playlist receipt. You will see options like genre, artists, tracks, etc.
- Now choose whichever you want, and it will automatically generate your Spotify receipt.
Also, when you are done, the app might ask you if you want to see a result based on your last month or last six months, or all-time listening habits. Receiptify will generate the result based on whichever option you choose.
What Does Receiptify Playlist Receipt Include?
Well, the data of your playlist that this receipt includes are all genuine and based on what Spotify stored. However, there are some fake data as well, and it works with the aesthetic. Here is what the Receiptify receipt contains –
- There is a fake order number
- The name of the Spotify account holder.
- The date of the day you generate the receipt.
- You will get a list of 10 songs you listened to.
- The name and the length of the songs are also there.
- You will also get a summary of your item counts.
- There is also a fake card number at the bottom, along with a “thank you for visiting” note.
The Receiptify receipt also has a crumbled look making it seem like a real retail shop receipt someone just printed out.
Funny Receiptify Alternative
Here are some fun websites that use data collected by Spotify and turn it into something really interesting crafts –
Judge My Spotify
“How bad is my Sotify?”Has this question ever dawned on you? Judge My Spotify answers that very questions that spike laughter and fun. This website uses your Spotify data and makes fun of your music taste with the use of AI. They make use of data stored in Spotify, data such as– artists, albums, Music, genre, etc. If you are looking for a good Receiptify alternative, then try this one.
What does your taste in Music tell about your personality? No, Obscurity does not do that. But, it helps you find out the obscurity rating of your music taste. A high obscure rating means that your music taste is not that popular, and you constantly shift from one type of song to the other. The website also tells about your moods based on your choice of songs.
Stats For Spotify
well, this may not be a very creative and funny app based on Spotify. But it is good enough for tracking your activities on Spotify. You can find data on the artists, songs, and albums you have been listening to. The website also lists down the most played and the least played songs on Spotify.
Share your music taste with your friends. You can also compare your taste with others thanks to this website called Music.Taste.Space. Users can compare their taste of Music using this platform. The website has different parameters for comparison. For example, energy, danceability, and happiness. You will also find out your top tracks, genres, artists, and more.
Here is a funny Receiptify alternative. I hope that you will love this one. If you love finding new songs from time to time and adding them to your playlist, then this is your tool. This website highlights the best parts of a song, thereby letting you discover new songs you should add to your playlist.
Bottom Line
You can do almost hundreds of fun things with Spotify. Receiptify is just one of many of those funny platforms that let you play around with your playlist. The crumbling receipts of y our playlist with your name and listening time mentioned surely look like something aesthetic. If this is your thing, then go and give this website a visit.
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