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Sociology And The Rise Of Corporate Capitalism

Finance BY Ankita
Corporate Capitalism

In this business world, large corporations continuously dominate the economy and labor market output in highly developed nations. Private ownership of production and operations is responsible for the economic state of the nations.

These also help reach the highest revenue and profit for a greater economic state.  

The owner of the production determines the decision-making and investments of these corporations. In contrast, the price is determined by the market and the supply of the materials.   

Moreover, factors like wage labor, competitive marketplaces, and private ownership play huge roles in nations’ economic systems. On the other hand, the capitalistic market and their economy highly refer to the price system.  

In this article, we will explore the different sides of corporate capitalism and how it works in present-day society.  

We will learn about corporate capitalism’s characteristics, main effects, and structure.   

What Is Corporate Capitalism?

What Is Corporate Capitalism

Corporate capitalism mainly refers to a capitalist market. Hierarchical and bureaucratic corporations and their domination help characterize corporate capitalism. 

Corporations always hold onto the market in the present marketplace and a developed world while constituting almost 50% or more of the businesses.  

In the study of social science, corporate capitalism discusses how ownership and control functions can be united in any traditional form. However, they are separated by the corporation.  

These corporations are often liable to bankruptcy. In most cases, the corporations are owned by individuals or other groups.     

However, corporations can become a public entity if they sell a part of their business to customers through shares and investments.  

Corporate capitalism is considered a powerful force that can significantly help shape the world into a better condition and help develop the geo-political or socio-economic conditions.  

The Major Characteristics Of Corporate Capitalism 

Major Characteristics Of Corporate Capitalism 

Corporate capitalism can be characterized by the help of industrialization and how the big companies dominate the corporations. It is important to remember that such characterization leads to great investment where the investors are willing to invest more money in the corporations. 

In this section, we will explore what features of corporations help them attract capital in their operations. 

Private Ownership

In corporate capitalism, private corporations own the factories, machinery, and other resources of a particular business. These kinds of operations are also influential in ensuring maximum profit among stakeholders.  

Operations That Are Profit-Oriented 

In many cases, corporate entities focus on earning great profitability, which is also their driving force for decision-making and strategies.  

Corporate entities solely engage in business activities that can help them achieve a higher profit and increase overall revenue.  

Decision-Making And Investments By The Owners 

The corporate owners allocate resources and make decisions for all kinds of investments and production.  

These owners, who can also be referred to as stakeholders and executives, are responsible for the day-to-day activities of a particular business.   

Determination Of Price And Distribution

Supply chain and demand play a pivotal role in the market economy where corporate capitalism operates.

The prices of goods and services are highly determined by the dynamics of the market and the overall distribution of the production that follows the market principles.  

In short, the dominance of hierarchical corporations and organizations driven by profit and decision-making helps characterize the economic landscape and influences policies at various levels.      

The Structure Of Corporate Capitalism 

The Structure Of Corporate Capitalism 

It is known that the capital structure of corporate capitalism refers to the amalgamation of companies and their sources of funds. This specific section combines capital from the owners in the form of equity and all the borrower’s funds in the form of debts.   

Here are some key points that can help you learn about corporate capitalism and its structure.  

Equity Capital  

In a company, ownership shares lead to equity capital. All shareholders can have the authority to claim the company’s future cash flow and profit.  

Common stock, preferred stock, and retained earnings are included in the concept of equity capital.  

Even though the value of equity does not require payment, it can be counted as a claim on the future earnings of a specific company.  


Bond issues, or better say loans, form the concept of debt. Companies take a major advantage from debt as it offers various tax advantages.  

A company can also retain ownership through the help of debt. In many cases, when the interest rates are low, the debt becomes accessible to the owners. 

The Hybrid Security Level 

The corporate capitalism structure can also include hybrid securities for the entire process. This hybrid security includes convertible bonds and preferred stock. 

The D/E Or Debt-To-Equity ratio 

In many cases, analysts refer to the D/E ratio when assessing a specific company’s borrowing practices.  

A high D/E ratio specifies that there is an aggressive capital structure. These aggressive capital structures are often financed by debt. As a result, they help lead to high growth. One major drawback is that investors may face risks. 

Optimal Capital Structure 

An aggressive capital structure can be found among companies with high debt rates. On the contrary, companies with low debt rates are considered conservative capital structures.  

A proper optimal capital structure can be useful in balancing the risk and growth potential of the capitalist structure.   

Main Effects Of Corporate Capitalism

Main Effects Of Corporate Capitalism

Corporate capitalism, which is highly characterized by the dominance of large corporations, significantly impacts the global socio-economic and geo-political state. These corporations have an effect on both economic output and the labor market.   

Here are a few effects that can be observed in corporate capitalism:  

Industrialization And Dominance Of Big Businesses 

Corporate capitalism and industrialization help big businesses thrive. These help them gain control over production and generate ultimate profits.  

Increased Use Of Technology And Transportation 

The rapid increase in industrialization is highly connected to corporate capitalism. The concept of corporate capitalism also influences technological advancements and innovation. 

This increase in innovation is further helping businesses and networks properly enable global trade and economic growth.    

Immigration Into Developed Countries 

Corporate capitalism led to a rise in big corporations that further helped attract immigrants. The immigrants mainly come from countries that are economically weak.  

For example, if we look at the US, corporate capitalism helps the US have big private firms offering a decent job to potential candidates. The US had a major number of immigrants from economically weak regions.  

This also helped the US in having great urban growth.  

Unionization Of Workers For Rights 

The increased number of workers and commercialization led to increased labor unions. These unions emerged with the aim of advocating for workers’ rights and helping them to have fair pay and better working conditions.  

Economic Growth And Higher Income Potential  

Lastly, corporate capitalism helps a country expand economically, create greater income opportunities, and improve individual living standards.  

Criticisms Of Corporate Capitalism

Criticisms Of Corporate Capitalism

Large corporations and businesses come under the same roof, creating influence and power over policies and regulatory and government policies. Thus, many government entities believe that corporate capitalism is in favor of large corporations.  

However, this concept of corporate capitalism also creates societal issues such as inequality, unemployment, and a high repression rate among workers.  

Influence On Government Policies

Corporate interests often help shape government decisions, leading to policies that may favor big corporations over public entities.  

This can further undermine all the possibilities regarding democratic accountability and processes.  

Political Influence Through Candidate Sponsorship

Corporations tend to fund political agendas and prioritize influencing candidate campaigns. This might lead to the compromise of public needs and the development of policies that can only benefit the business elites.   

Social Inequalities, Unemployment, And Worker Repression 

The concept of corporate capitalism can lead to an inequality in income.  

On the other hand, the workers may face issues related to job security, very low wages, and poor working conditions. Big corporations also exploit worker rights, disrupting the process.    

Depletion of natural resources and interference with traditional way of life 

The roadmap to gaining profit can often compromise environmental sustainability. In many cases, industrialization harms the ecosystem, threatening natural and cultural entities.   

Positive Effects Of Corporate Capitalism

Positive Effects of Corporate Capitalism

Amid the criticism, certain factors about corporate capitalism are worth mentioning. Here are some of the positive effects of corporate capitalism that may help big corporations and businesses. 

Encouragement For Innovation And Growth In GDP

Capitalism fosters various innovations and promotes competition in the marketplace. Businesses often invest in better research and development, which further leads to better production of goods and materials.   

Service-Oriented Society 

In a proper corporate capitalist system, every single job helps another individual. While goods and materials are produced, individuals take the opportunity to work on solving societal issues.   

Promotion Of Economic And Political Freedom For Individuals 

Even though there is a disparity in income levels for workers, corporate capitalism offers everyone an opportunity.  

Hard work can help achieve success and receive recognition beyond the monetary rewards.   


In summary, corporate capitalism faces criticism yet offers a range of positive solutions to the economic system. According to the critics’ arguments, it feeds societal issues like inequality, causes environmental degradation, and conducts various unethical practices.  

However, its contribution to innovation and industrialization can lead to wealth creation. These positive effects help reestablish capitalism’s balance and solve issues to achieve ultimate profitability.

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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