Top Things To Keep In Mind When You Apply For Personal Loan

Loans & Credit BY Mashum
Personal Loan

When you apply for a personal loan, the financial decision will likely affect all your savings and spending patterns for some time.

Therefore, you must consider all the important factors for a personal loan. Market research is essential before you decide whether you go for personal loans online or would like to take the route of a reputable bank.

However, before you get intimidated by the entire process, let us assure you that the groundwork is easier. Your research on personal loans is easier than you would like to believe.

Top Things To Consider Before Applying For Personal Loan

Top Things To Consider Before Applying For Personal Loan

Listed below are essential things you should consider before you take a personal loan. These things will help you make the right decisions when taking a personal loan and minimize risks associated with personal loans.

Interest Rate

Interest rate

Let’s first talk about the elephant in the room. Whenever the need to apply for a personal loan arises, the most burning question is which lender would guarantee you the best interest on personal loans?

You may want to acquaint yourself with two terms – Applied Rate (AR) and Effective Interest Rate (EIR). While EIR refers to the actual cost of borrowing if you make payments right on time, calculating it considers the gradual reduction in principal amount during the loan tenure.

An Applied Rate or AR, on the other hand, assumes that the principal amount remains constant during the entire period.

Be Prepared To Pay Additional Fees

Be Prepared to Pay Additional Fees

When you take out a loan, it’s natural that you have to pay a certain amount of fees on your loan application. However, you take note of the hidden costs in your loan application.

Some common charges you should be ready to pay when you take a personal loan include – an annual fee that some banks levy in addition to the interest you would be paying.

You must pay an annual fee on your loan amount. When you apply for the loan, you get to know the fee the bank will charge you annually.

Make no mistake that if you take a personal loan for ten years, you will pay the annual fee ten times. It can be very important information to have before you take the plunge.

Late Payment Fees

Late Payment Fees

Another factor to consider, of course, is the late payment fees. You must pay a late payment fee on top of your interest if you make late payments.

Whether you take loans from banks, money lenders, or online money lenders, you must pay a late fee if you miss your payment. You might have paid your interest, but you will get charged late fees after the bank’s deadline.

So, you can choose a lender who does not have a hefty late payment fee clause or strict late payment policies. Sometimes, despite your best plans to return the amount in a specified time, unlikely events may happen.

So, preparing yourself for a bad day is better than staying unprepared.

Good Credit Score

Good Credit Score

Did you know that a good credit score makes taking a personal loan much smoother? Your bank assesses your credit repayment history and offers you a loan based on it. Generally, any credit score ranges from 300 to 900.

If you have a credit score above 685, your chances of securing a personal loan are high. However, when you have a bad credit score, it shows your bad debt management, and thus, your loan application might get rejected.

Additionally, you can get lower loan interest with a good credit score. Furthermore, you can limit your credit utilization to 30% or less, which helps keep your credit score high. So, when you do apply for a personal loan, it can get easily approved.

You may also read  5 Ways to Get Short-Term Loans in the UK.

The Timeline

You take loans mostly when you need money, especially during emergency situations. Therefore, you do not have the luxury of waiting for a long time to get your personal loan approved.

So, you should consider the total approval time of your loan before making the final decision. Applying for personal loans online may make sense if time interests you.

You can work towards speeding up the process by keeping all your documentation ready and handy. It is common knowledge amongst money lenders that small delays often occur because the borrower may not be ready to furnish all the documents as soon as needed.

Lender Reliability

Lender Reliability

When you take a personal loan, it is an important financial decision that cannot be stressed enough. Additionally, you must thoroughly check the reliability of your moneylender before taking out a loan from them. You should not take lightly your lender’s reliability when taking out a personal loan.

Your lender will have access to your confidential information when you take out a loan from them. Furthermore, you must not get worked up when your bank is taking time to verify your credit history.

Also, your money lender or bank double-checks your documents before giving out the loan.

Avoid Falling For False Schemes

You take a personal loan only when there is a requirement for the amount. Generally, you take this loan in emergencies, and fraudsters take advantage of this urgency. In the loan market, several fraudsters are gimmicking low-interest rate loans.

You will be offered exciting interest rates on your loans, but this low interest rate rises as time passes. Therefore, you repay more interest on your loans as time passes.

Additionally, some fraud lenders bury other hidden charges in their paperwork, which you miss out on initially. Later, when you start paying your loans, you realize the trap you are in.

Furthermore, when you add these hidden charges, you will realize that you are paying more than your interest rate for the loan, so when you take a personal loan from a reputable institution with a long history in the loan industry.

You can vouch for their lending service and reputation to guarantee a secure loan repayment system. Therefore, you can avoid financial loss and the stress of repaying your loan in the long run.

Wrapping Up

Remember, these good practices applied to research about their clients also reflect that they apply similar practices to their dealings- a plus point when trusting someone with a decision so important.

A reputable brand with a well-known history of good and fair dealings is your best bet to consider. Also, ensure that the lender gives you complete transparency of their work. Any hidden information should be enough to raise red flags and steer clear.

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Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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