What Are Managed IT Services And Why Do You Need Them?

Business Development BY Abdul Aziz
Managed IT Services

Globally, more than 80% of digital transformation projects fail. The reasons? Many companies decide to undertake the migration of their company to the digital environment without a proper strategy, without a correct selection of tools, and without adequate accompaniment by a team of specialists who provide support for decision-making.

The sudden appearance of problems related to the IT environment of a company can directly affect the work of the entire organization, the operability and the relationship with customers.

From items as simple as login issues, even a cyberattack can put a company on hold until a solution to the problem is found. When trying to fix it on their own, companies may have to spend hours trying to understand and resolve the problem, often getting nowhere.

However, by having managed services, resolving the issue might only require a quick phone call to a 24/7 team of specialist professionals who will know what to do.

How do managed services help my business?

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Managed services have the capacity to handle everything related to the IT area, from preventing problems to drastically increasing the security of your network. Managed service providers bring immense value to businesses.

Companies offering managed services provide a full range of services and solutions to support business operations for all types of businesses, offering from basic help support to data recovery services.

They are also a great ally for managing company network security, system backups, device maintenance, and IT planning for the company. Besides this, managed service providers can also help with building custom software solutions and managing your cloud servers.

Beyond basic technical support

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Before managed services entered the market, there was only one way to deal with technical difficulties. At the time, if a server or desktop computer stopped working effectively, the only solution was to call a professional, try to explain the problem, and wait for a solution. While this process was acceptable at one time, it is not enough now.

The increasing reliance on automated systems, cloud servers and digital databases means that technology disruptions can have a profoundly negative impact on business operations. If a network goes down or an email server is inaccessible for substantial periods of time, the loss of productivity and revenue is devastating.

Because of these risks, the need for proper security and support to prevent system failures and detect potential problems before they happen is critical. And this is the main characteristic that makes the difference between managed services and technical support.

Why do companies need managed services?

Today, every company needs a quick and efficient solution to problems related to the IT area; without budgeting to hire dozens of technicians and their training. Managed services take care of this part and offer solutions.

As technology changes rapidly, the need to keep up has increased the demand for skilled technical talents who understand and use business technology to accelerate an organization’s growth.

Managed services are responsible for ensuring that a company stays with cutting-edge technology solutions, monitors cybercrime minimizes downtime with proactive solutions and provides immediate responses that solve or anticipate problems.

Main benefits of having managed services

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When problems related to a company’s own digital environment prevent a work team from functioning, companies begin to lose money. Every minute your systems are down, ending up costing you a considerable loss of customers or resources, depending on the size and operations of the business, if you cannot get a quick resolution.

When a business chooses to work with a managed service provider, it can increase the efficiency of its operations while reducing expenses. These are the reasons why having managed services is an excellent option for companies, regardless of their size.

Here are some more benefits to consider

Prevention of IT problems

With the supervision of trained IT personnel, the development of problems in the IT area can be avoided. Trained experts use protection software and techniques to prevent IT problems by detecting and preventing problems.

Cost reduction

Managed service providers can reduce IT support costs by 30-50%. Depending on the level of service a business requires, it may be able to minimize its expenses by purchasing only the services it needs when it needs them. In addition to that, companies can save on the costs of acquiring talent, training, and other tasks to maintain a team of trained IT experts.

Data security enhancements

Through the use of high-tech security tools and practices, a managed services team can protect a company’s network from cyberattacks and preserve the integrity of its data. You can also get the help you need to comply with data security regulations in your industry.

Increased productivity

Not many companies have a dedicated and fully staffed IT department, instead relying on their managers and employees to solve technical problems.

However, given the complexity of today’s enterprise technology infrastructures, this often takes a long time, leaving people unable to focus on core operations like innovation or product development. By delegating these ancillary tasks to a third party, companies can free up time, increase productivity, and reduce costs.

Choose the right technology

Technology is great, but only when it works for YOU. A company that invests in hardware it doesn’t need is a waste of money.

A managed service saves a company’s cost of capital by gearing it toward technology and policies useful to the organization’s model.


In general, IT Managed Services allow better control of each business operation and management to manage specific processes. Just as it is best to trust a company that provides Managed Services to allow the company to fully dedicate itself to growing and projecting its future, keeping its customers satisfied.

If this explanation seems broad, you should know that there are so many more aspects of what an IT agency can do. If you want to know what these guys can do for you, you’re at the right place.

Hiring managed IT services for your business can bring several important benefits. Keep reading if you want to know more about the reasons why it is important.


Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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